



Good Health: Exercising During Pregnancy

pencil-iconEmily Chodat

Congratulations, you and your partner are expecting. Let’s assess your fitness regime to see what modifications need to be made. Ensure you maintain a comfortable body temperature, don’t train out in the middle of the day or in


Don’t let Unhealthy Supper Ruin the Day

pencil-iconEmily Chodat

It’s the danger time of day, you’ve eaten superbly all day, salads, lean meats, vegetables, nuts and fruit. You’ve had a healthy dinner but are needing something else a few hours after. Listen to your


Winter Hump Update


Who is lost the most to date… at week 6? Some of our participants have been putting in the hard yards and have seen some awesome results so far, with a combined weight loss of


Good Health: Why our Diet is so Important

pencil-iconEmily Chodat

Healthy eating: You should consume a wide variety of foods, especially five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every day.  Whether your goal is to lose those 5kg, increase muscle mass, compete in


July Workout of the Month

pencil-iconEmily Chodat

This months workout is a great challenge for both the upper and lower body. The workout is 10m on the rope climb machine and 10 thrusters for 7 rounds. 1 round is 10m on the