



‘Power Battle’ Fun Competition

pencil-iconEmily Chodat

Join your team to part take in the last Power Session for the Winter Hump 2016. We need 30 Chodat members who are happy to compete against our friends Savvy Fitness and Definition Fitness on


M2M Challenge Completed!

pencil-iconEmily Chodat

Congratulations to everyone who participated The M2M challenge was completed on Sunday 31st July with Chodat Fitness as the Fitness sponsor winning the award for “Most Team Registrations” 2nd year in a row. It was


Workout of the Month August

pencil-iconEmily Chodat

This months workout involves 4 burpee box jumps and 4 shoulder presses. The Aim is to complete as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes. The brown box in the video is the box that


How to do the Perfect Push-up

pencil-iconEmily Chodat

The push-up is one of the most widely used body weight exercises, and can be performed almost anywhere, requiring very little space. This movement has many variations, so today’s article outlines the steps to be


How to attack the M2M Challenge run/walk

pencil-iconEmily Chodat

The Greenacres M2M Challenge Run/Walk is this Sunday 31st July …which make only two days away! We wanted to shed some light on a strategy for competitors to be able to finish the course. The